New Prints: March 2023

I’ve been inspired by minimal photography lately, so I wanted to update the store with some of my favorite minimal shots from my portfolio! Keep reading below for a little behind-the-scenes from each photo in this limited series!

Minimal 1

Minimal 1 is from Upstate New York a few summers ago. This top-down shot of a corn field really speaks to me because of the patterned way the light plays off the crops. This photograph embodies one of my favorite aspects of minimalism: texture. Most minimal photos are defined by their simplicity and their negative space, but this one is all about uniformity with slight variations that bring life to the scene.

Minimal 2

Minimal 2 is one of my favorite photographs ever. A lone sailor by himself out on the water. This shot is more typical of minimal images because no distractions draw your eye away from the subject. The water fading into the horizon keeps the focus on the sailor.

Minimal 3

Minimal 3 is simple: a plane and a sunset. The thing that really stands out to me here is the texture of the clouds. It almost feels like a painting instead of a photograph. There’s something so profound in looking at a tiny silhouette of a plane that has hundreds of people on it.


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